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(c) Julie Novkov, May 2006


What to include

Name and current address

Telephone where you are reachable and e-mail

Web page address, if you have one – NOTE: it’s a good idea to have one

Current position and status, especially noting ABD status or projected degree completion date

Dissertation title and committee membership

All academic awards achieved in graduate school and major undergraduate/other awards

Publications, divided by category if there are many – note that works in progress should be a separate section

Conference presentations and other talks

Teaching information

Committee/institutional/community service

Associational memberships and positions

Names and contact information for references

Technical tips

Organize information in a readily readable form

Ensure that people can easily see what will interest them most (for teaching intensive jobs, more information on preps and times taught)

Ensure that items are succinctly explained

Categorize thoughtfully, visibly, and carefully

Proofread with meticulous care

Substantive tips

Note peer-reviewed items and identify them as such

Follow disciplinary norms in determining the length of your vita and whether to include brief summaries of your work

Ensure that the CV presents an accurate and very positive picture of you as a scholar

Remember that good CVs crackle with energy and imagination, but don’t look like mere puffery

Keep in mind that your CV has two agendas: to show the great stuff you’ve done and to give prospective employers enough information to handicap your scholarly career over the next few years

What you may or may not want to include, depending on the uses you have for it

Your age and marital status

Home telephone number – do you want to field calls at home?

Information about religious or political affiliations

Information that locates you in a particular place in your field

Information about non-academic employment

Information that explains "gaps" in your CV – what kinds of gaps should be explained?